Best Classic Movie Costumes Of All Times

In your childhood, you might have inspired from a famous movie character and fantasized about dressing up like Spider man and Cinderella.  The movie and entertainment industry have always enthused young and little kids in every era with their distinctive and expensive costumes. These costumes became the primary reason for the huge success of their characters and block-buster hit movies.

Even in today’s era, kids still want to dress up like their favorite characters and are extremely impressed by their costumes. Kids think and feel the magic and power of superheroes in their personalities in real life. These fantasy characters have stuck to the minds of children and they could never take out these personalities from their imagination for their life time.

In this blog, we are going to take readers back to the popular era of the 90’s to reminisce our innocent childhood age. Here are the best classic movie costumes of all time:

Super Hero Costumes

In the era of 90’s, many kids movie and cartoon characters emerged on the screen and became famous among the global audience. These super heroes have inspired and motivated a lot of kids from their daring acts and bold stunts.

A few popular and successful super hero costumes are superman, spider man, batman, he man, avengers, ninja turtles, and captain marvel. The superb actions and outstanding performances of these super hero characters are unforgettable and became a symbol of bravery and courage.

Fairy Tale Costumes

Every kid has a childhood dream and a passionate desire to be like a fairy tale character. These fictional characters became popular in children’s story books and became a fantasy of every little boy or girl.

Every girl wants to dress up like a Cinderella, Barbie girl, mermaid, Halloween, snow white, Alice in Wonderland, and Red Riding Hood. These fairy tale costumes received exceptional fame and popularity among the huge audience and people still buy these expensive costumes for their children. Boys always want to be like Harry Potter, Robin Hood, Knight Rider, Peter Pan and disguise themselves with Disney costumes.

Game of Thrones Costume

Game of thrones has the highly acclaimed and admired movie characters costumes. One of the costume you can never forget is of mother of dragons. The character is well-portrayed by young gorgeous actress Emily Clarke. She has done a marvelous theatrical performance and won the hearts of millions of audiences. All of these masterpiece costume designs are conceived and prepared by Michele Clapton.

Men in Black Costumes

Men in Black is a super hit movie released in 1997. It became a huge success of that time and still impresses audiences with its costume suits. In the movie, will smith and tommy lee jones performed the characters of secret agents. They wore the exclusive black suit that got immensely popular and became the reason for success of the movie.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Costume

In the 90’s era, everyone must have watched the famous cartoon TV series of teenage mutant ninja turtles. They are four iconic characters named as Michelangelo, Donatello, Raphael, and Leonardo. These characters are still known for their stylish and superficial costumes. They wore the dashing green outfit with a ribbon band on their eyes to show a powerful display on screen.

Star Wars Costumes

It is one of the longest running serial on the television screen that broke all records of fame and success. This megahit blockbuster TV show introduced a new trend of science fiction costumes in the era of the 90’s. You remember the costume of Mandalorian, Princess Leila, kylo ren, Han solo, and storm trooper. These characters still blow the minds of audiences with their fantastic appearances and shocking performances.


Grease is a musical blockbuster movie of 70’s era. This all-time hit movie created the rush at the box office and people anxiously waited in queue to watch this film in theater. The dance and romance of john Travolta and Olivia newton is still remembered along with their casual and classy leather jacket outfits.

Pretty Woman

Every woman wants to look pretty and dress like Julia Roberts. The polka dot costume with a royal white hat inspired many women to show the elegant appeal. This movie gained immense popularity in the 90’s era after its release. The comic and romantic gestures are still admired by both male and female audiences.

Terminator 2

For people who desire to buy celebrity leather jackets USA they should go for terminator 2 movie. In this action packed movie, Arnold Schwarzenegger wore an iconic black leather jacket that became a trend setter and fashion statement for people in the 90’s and present era. He displayed his muscular body and mind-blowing performance to make this movie the commercial box-office hit and earned extra-ordinary profit.

Wrapping Up

Hence, in a nutshell, these above-mentioned are the best classic movie costumes of all time. These timeless dresses are ideal for every age and era and inspire people with their magnificent clothing styles. People feel proud and pleased to buy and wear these costumes and show a distinctive look.

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